Scott Saxberg is an author, mentor, entrepreneur (Cache Island, Icebook Investments Corp), and a former co-owner of the NHL hockey team, the Arizona Coyotes. (Let’s go, kie-oates!) He writes historical and psychological thrillers, as well as dramatic fiction. For Scott, writing is as much about imagining possibility as it is about connecting fiction to the real world. He researches for his projects heavily. Kirkus Reviews has referred to his writing as “clever,” “authentic,” and “vividly-detailed.”
His debut novel, Those We Carry, is a WWII drama based on real events in his family history,
preserved within the regiment diaries of his great uncle, Cadieu. His next projects, stand alone psychological thrillers featuring a villain by the name of Jack Strong, a serial killer and private equity CEO, are finished and seeking a publisher for 2025 (Cadillac Wheels) and 2026 (Pink Lake). In addition, he has a historical thriller set in 1916 (The Clock Winders Apprentice) in progress.
When he’s not penning books, Scott spends his time mentoring at New York University Stern
Business School’s Endless Frontiers Lab and the Creative Destruction Lab at the University of
Calgary, helping new start-ups find their way, enjoying NHL hockey games, or visiting
Preussen Munster in Germany to watch a soccer match.
Scott lives in Calgary with his wife Jenna Kaye and five children: Graeme, Kellen, Vivienne,
Ivy, and Georgia.